pavadee buabarn and carl haebe artificial music gallery & snake heart move love one happy family wahre liebe muschelherz comeback start painting is love- music is love
art is gold and diamonds.
liegendeblau 23 x 33 cm50 x 70 cm
the blue figure-up. print linolschnitt .relax
pavadee buabarn hometown-bangkok, acryl- oil - eitempera- gold on paper,
2005-2006. 40 x 40 cm artist - absolvent- academy of fine arts bangkok in thailand-
introduction pomrakhun
pavadee buabarn thai art gallery. heart move
wundervolle malerei ,schlafzimmer wohnzimmer kueche office praxis sound
beschallung abspecken reales blues comeback
paar2 ,-30 x40 cm ,oil-acryl leinwandhappy art herzenoil paint sanfrancisco
. deep blue , 100 x 80 cm, history
- art and music, carl haebe . kunst menschen ! happy art. real art kunstwerke
lokomotive and horse in vw kaefer 1 x 1 meter
sleeping snake comeback engelrot orchester fraublau
music relax tennis prince dance esel 5 catfish smile
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